
Monday, October 17, 2011

To read or not to read?

While reading this weeks articles and chapter, one big idea that stuck out and impacted me was using poetry in for reading comprehension. In Gregory and Cahill's article, Ms. Hope had her kids write their poetry on half of a piece a paper leaving room to illustrate it. By using poetry, we can bring back a literary form that seems to be being used less and less while making it a fun and engaging activity while also promoting comprehension and pushing their minds' creativity. I also loved the encouragement to ask questions ALL the time. As a reader, and in anything I do, i always ask myself or others questions.

This website is a great example and resource for using poetry.


  1. I agree, I think poetry is a great way to promote comprehension. I went to a Rocky Mtn. Reading Council Meeting fairly recently and in one of the seminars, the teacher was talking about the different kinds of ways to use poetry. Every example she used fell under comprehension.

  2. Poetry is a great way to encourage comprehension if you can keep children interested in it. I agree that teachers should use it more and in varying ways to teach children valuable reading skills and to instill a love for poetry. The poem you posted is awesome by the way! Thanks for sharing.
