
Monday, September 12, 2011

Anyone can read and write!

Reading and writing are two vital areas where children need to develop good skills, because they will stay with them the rest of their lives. Word walls and letter of the week have been popular methods of teaching children how to read. These methods, in the traditional sense, emphasize what kids don't know. In the article "Letting Go of Letter of the Week", it offers ideas on how to make reading and writing areas where it emphasized what kids already knew. One way Ms. Bell used a word wall was placing the picture of each kid in the class with their name on it under the letter the name started with.

As a lover of reading I want to instill that same love into the many children that I will teach. This can be a challenging task especially when kids are intimidated by reading. Providing the right tools and skills for young students essential in turning kids into confident readers as well as writers.

These images were creative ideas on how to teach reading and writing and make it interesting and fun for kids:

The tools above and below help with connecting similar groupings of letters and forming new words.

Tossing a pom pom into a cupcake pan to see what ending to add to a list of words and use the words in a story turns writing into a fun creative game.

Using different colored pens in editing and revising, like the article by Bell and Jarvis, allows for children to be active participants in learning the rules of words and writing.


  1. You did an amazing job of finding great examples of tools that teachers can use in their classrooms to help to motivate their students. I really enjoyed looking at the images you found.

  2. Aubrie, I love all of these ideas! Where did you find them? I especially love using students' names on word walls. Students feel a lot of ownership with their name and they also get to know students around them.
